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Deck Building

There are 5 different types of cards that can be included in a player’s deck (ally, alteration spell, ready spell, action spell, reaction spell), and 2 types that can be included in a player’s conjuration pile (conjuration, conjured alteration spell).

To build a deck, you must do the following:

  1. Choose a Phoenixborn.
  2. Choose exactly 30 cards to be included in your deck. You may only include up to 3 copies of any 1 card in your deck. 
    Do not include conjuration and conjured alteration spell cards in your deck. These cards are only brought into play by the effects and abilities of other cards.
    You can only include Phoenixborn unique cards in your deck if you chose the associated Phoenixborn. The Phoenixborn unique icon is located in the lower right corner of cards unique to that Phoenixborn.
  3. Choose 10 dice to be included in your dice pool. You may choose a variety of die types to be in your dice pool.
    Example: x3 x3 x2 x2
    10 total dice
  4. Assemble your conjuration pile as follows: Some effects or abilities can bring conjurations and conjured alteration spells into the game. Each conjuration or conjured alteration spell has a conjuration limit placed in the lower left corner of that card. Identify all such cards your deck is capable of producing and collect a number of copies of each card equal to the conjuration limit of that card.