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How to play, deckbuild, Ashes lore, and more!


Where can I play Ashes? This section is for listing tournaments, leagues, and platforms in which to play Ashes Reborn.


Links and local archived copies of Ashes articles, YouTube videos, Twitch streams, and podcasts.

Casual Play

Get your chill on with casual leagues and tournaments. Most current leagues and tournaments are organized and run by members of the Ashes Discord, and are played on There are two exceptions to this. First, all AshCon events are organized by Pla...



Deck lists from complete collections ready to go and tips to constructing your own decks. Learn from the best and tweak to your liking! is the de facto online deck-building tool. See published lists from other players, import them to...

Learn to Play

Learn all about playing Ashes! Abbreviations, the "meta", archetypes, and more...

The World of Argaia

A collection of information and stories on Phoenixborn and the world of Argaia, assembled from preview articles, podcasts, official documents, Discord conversations, and different lore excerpts sprinkled everywhere by Isaac Vega, Nick Conley and Plaid Hat Game...



Locally archived articles about Ashes: Reborn, as well as links to external text content.

Podcasts and Videos

Game replays, Ashes commentary/discussion, tournament coverage, and more Link YouTube Channels, Twitch Streams, and podcasts here

Competitive Scene

Try-hard mode activated! Information on competing at the highest level; sometimes for prizes, sometimes just for bragging rights. If you are looking for deckbuilding restrictions for Organized Play events, the banned list and the chained list can be foun...


Alternate Art

Catalog of all released alternate art cards for 1.5 and 1.0, including details of how they were made available and credit to the artist if known. There is also a complete list on BGG. Link:


An effort to reproduce and enhance the core rule books for ease of referencing and linking.

Phoenixborn of Argaia

The World of Argaia

This book contains collected facts about Phoenixborn. Some of the details have come from interviews or Discord conversations, and may not have a linkable source. Note: Only playable Phoenixborn are included here. Information about other Phoenixborn can be f...


Shufflebus (discontinued)

Competitive Scene

Tournaments were run by The ShuffleBus ( for a few years. They were the premiere competitive scene for Ashes Reborn until they decided to close shop at the end of 2022 following the World Championship invitational. This section is...



Frequently Asked Questions for Ashes Reborn


Casual Play

JankFest is a fan favorite yearly tournament, and the goal is to bring your funniest, most thematic, and most outlandish deck concepts. Votes in various categories, such as Coolest Combo and Best Theme, will be awarded.

The Shuffle Bus


The Shuffle Bus played a pivotal role in driving fan-based competitive content for Ashes: Reborn from the game's launch until shortly after the final Time cycle's release in late 2022. Although the bulk of their biggest contributions were through video, Discor...



Game Flow


Alternate Formats


Strategy Tips

Learn to Play



Direct reference material from Plaid Hat Games

Starting Off

Learn to Play

Get started on your Ashes journey with help on what to buy, where and what to play!


Learn to Play



A collection of theory on how to build a deck for Ashes PvP.

General Strategy


What do you do when your strongest unit is attacked? Why does it matter what you spend your dice on? These articles can provide guidance on how to build a strategy for every deck you play.

Red Rains


This collection focuses on the PvE version of Ashes.

Tournament Deck Lists

Competitive Scene Shufflebus (discontinued)

For posterity these are being cloned to The Jankyard's account. Rather than republish all of them, they are tracked in a Google Doc with the associated player and result (where available). ShuffleBus Deck Lists


Casual Play

A tournament using the Coal-Off game mode in Ashteki where both players play Coal using a randomly generated deck. The Coal-Off format was born of the idea that a player can win with Coal using a deck of thirty random cards. Coal’s Slash ability makes every c...

Common Confusion

Rulebook FAQ

Plaid Hat Games maintains a FAQ for Ashes Reborn, which can be found here. Other sources of confusion are listed below. Combat (Master set rules, page 10) "Blocking" vs "Guarding" Blocking is when one or more of your units intercept opposing unit(s) attacking ...

Where To Play

Learn to Play Starting Off

Ashteki The primary platform for online play. The majority of games and tournaments run by Ashes Discord members are played here. Felt Table Felt Table is a fan created website to play card games against AI...

What To Buy - PvP

Learn to Play Starting Off

Ashes 1.0 vs Ashes Reborn 1.5 Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn was the original game developed by Isaac Vega in 2015. This game has been supplanted by Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn, developed by Nick Conley and released in 2021. Differences Ashes (201...

What To Play

Learn to Play Starting Off

Starting Off Precons ** Note this applies to player vs player ("pvp"). The Red Rains solo/coop game ("pve") has a campaign mode in which is it suggested you start with the precons. M...


Learn to Play

**Keep in alphabetical order Dice spreads are usually abbreviated using the following single letter assignments: N: Nature C: Ceremonial H: Charm D: Divine S: Sympathy I: Illusion T: Time These are abbreviations/short forms of terms or card names in A...

The Meta

Learn to Play

The "meta" in Ashes is not as well defined as it is other card games such as Pokemon or Magic The Gathering. This is in part due to the depth and viability of the card pool for deck building, the nature of it being an extendable card game without rotation, and...

The Jankyard

Podcasts and Videos

Overview A podcast for Ashes Reborn, the extendable card game by Plaid Hat Games.  We're here to talk about all things Ashes: news, events, the meta, and in particular what we like to call open-minded deck-building.  Where to Listen YouTube: https://www....

Coal Roarkwin

The World of Argaia Phoenixborn of Argaia

The Lord of Iron, Coal is the Phoenixborn of Rustwatch. He is 514, born during the second century of the Sealed Age. He first appears in the Master Set's The Men of Iron and later in The Corpse of Viros. Alternate art Art from Master Set The Lord...

Jessa Na Ni

The World of Argaia Phoenixborn of Argaia

Jessa Na Ni is a Phoenixborn who uses blood directly in many of her magics, earning herself the name "The Red Queen". She first appears in the Master Set's The Bloodwoods Queen, and later as one of the ceremonial Phoenixborn in The Corpse of Viros. Alter...

Maeoni Viper

The World of Argaia Phoenixborn of Argaia

The Queen in Silver and Gold, Maeoni Viper is around 134 years old. She first appears in the Master Set's The Snakes in Silver, and has journeyed to Neverset to fight in The Blight of Neverset. Alternate art Art from The Snakes in Silver The Quee...

Noah Redmoon

The World of Argaia Phoenixborn of Argaia

Noah Redmoon is the last survivor of the Redmoon siblings, and the ruler of the ruined city of Viros. Called the Master of Shadows, he lived in an illusionary world until the Red Rains pulled forth a dragonic Chimera in his city. He first appeared in the Maste...

Saria Guideman

The World of Argaia Phoenixborn of Argaia

The Belle of the Ball, Saria Guideman is the Phoenixborn keeping watch from Lighthouse Bay. She commands attention from Argaia's high society, and gets it. Her first appearance is in the master set's The Cloudsea Siren, and she reappears in The Blight of Never...

Ashes International League (AIL)

Competitive Scene

The Ashes International League is an event that has multiple paths to the top. Deck construction obeys the chained list, but is otherwise open ended. What makes this different from other events is the tiebreakers. In order, they are: Phoenixborn diversity -...

First Five League

Casual Play

The casual league for weekly games. Drop-in/drop-out, no long-term commitments. Pairings occur each Friday Games are to be scheduled between players and completed before the following Friday. Games are not reported, however posting in the channel afterword...

Phoenix League

Competitive Scene

A COMPETITIVE ASHES CIRCUIT Phoenix League is new for 2023! Ashes: Reborn is a game with a strong competitive lineage. Since the launch of 1.0 all the way through the latest Shufflebus Invitational, players have fought their hardest and brought their best wh...

Game Replays

Podcasts and Videos

Jerod Leupold aka clu Discord community member clu uploads game replays including his commentary. Ashes Reborn Central (ARC) The central repository for Ashes Reborn content, particularly game recordings and commen...


Podcasts and Videos

Chaos Theory Discord community member ChaosTheory uploads a variety of game content, including Ashes game replays and instructional videos Team Covenant Steven and Zach are a local/online tabletop retailer supportin...


Casual Play Jankfest

Congratulations to the winners of JankFest 2022! Best Theme - @CharlotteM , "Do You Hear The People Sing?" Lord of the Jank - @Carl Diaz , "Tristan Brings Gifts" Coolest Combo - @Brian B , "Deathrattle" The Underminer - @Schmendrix (he/him) , "Confusion Sm...