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Banned List

As an experiment to curb the pervasive success of some deck types, an official banned list was created for Ashes on July 24, 2024. Cards on the banned list may not be included in decks used in official organized play events, which is different from the Chained list.

Banned cards

  • Molten Gold

The detailed reasoning can be found at Plaid Hat Games's Ashes Organized Play Update.

Tournament organizers should mention if the banned list is NOT in effect; otherwise, players should assume that it is, as per the Organized Play document. Not using the banned list is potentially relevant for events where the card pool is intentionally limited, ie, "all decks must be built using the Red Rains campaign rules."

For casual games, it is recommended to ask the opponent if banned cards are allowed before playing a deck that uses them; for many games, the default assumption is that any existing banned list is in effect, and Ashes follows that trend. This is similiar to the aforementioned Chained List.

This list does not forbid any player from using the banned cards in Red Rains (PvE).