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Spell Cards
Action and reaction spells are discarded for one-time effects whereas ready and alteration spells...
Phoenixborn Card
Your Phoenixborn is your most important card. Its battlefield and spellboard values dictate how m...
Tournament Deck Lists
For posterity these are being cloned to The Jankyard's account. Rather than republish ...
Ashes International League (AIL)
The Ashes International League is an event that has multiple paths to the top. Deck construction...
Team Tourney - TODO
One critique of Ashes games is that they can take anywhere between 45-60 minutes, sometimes longe...
Where To Play
Ashteki The primary platform for online play. The majority of games and to...
Red Rains Intro and Reviews
MistaRau Gaming Live stream introduction and playthrough of Corpse of Viros:
What To Buy - PvP
Ashes 1.0 vs Ashes Reborn 1.5 Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn was the original game developed by ...
What To Play
Starting Off Precons ...
The Meta
The "meta" in Ashes is not as well defined as it is other card games such as Pokemon or Magic The...
Magic/Dice Flavours
Magic Types Each dice/magic type has a certain flavour to them in terms of the card pools they s...
How To Play
Never played Ashes before but are interested in learning how it works? YouTube: Ashes Reborn - H...
Before Play Testing and Scouting If a player is going to be your upcoming opponent for a tourna...
How To Organize Your Collection
Card Organization This question comes up frequently and there are a variety of preferences, howe...
What To Buy - PvE
Red Rains was not designed to be a standalone product. PHG intends for you to have the Master Set...
Preconstructed Matchups
Playing the preconstructed decks is a great way to get into Ashes Reborn! However, because the ga...
First Round
Selecting Your First Five Playing Round One
3-4 Player Game
Ashes can also be played with three or four players. The rules are identical except that whenever...
Instead of playing with a pre-built deck or bringing a custom built deck to a game of Ashes, you ...