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Rowan Umberend

Rowan Umberend
Art from The Scholar of Ruin

“If my expulsion from the Vermillion Council has provided benefit, it is that I am never again required to share space with Rowan Umberend.”
- Darius, Terminal Amurai

A member of the Vemillion Council until his expulsion for Blasphemy, Rowan of the Abylon Outskirts seeks to become the most powerful Phoenixborn. As his status of Phoenixborn was a secret, he had no area to protect. He is a new Phoenixborn for Ashes Reborn, and appeared with The Scholar of Ruin deck.


Rowan was a member of the Vermillion Council, a secretive organization dedicated to studying the Phoenixborn, though he kept his status as a Phoenixborn hidden from them.

This gave him several allies whose knowledge he could exploit with his time and ceremonial magics, accelerating his own research into the physical and temporal ruins of Abylon's battle sites. There, he found the Red Raindrops, ancient and dark artifacts that could call forth the Red Rains.

His success has earned him hatred and expulsion from the Council, as well as disdain from his fellow Phoenixborn. He is correctly blamed for the return of the Red Rains, and bears a price on his head placed by Elga Trilling.

He does not see himself as a villain, rather, non-Phoenixborn are of little value in his eyes.[1]. Even during his trial, he showed no remorse at his actions.


For a ceremonial Phoenixborn, Rowan boasts many conjurations. His Eroding slows enemies, and his Ruin Dwellers are dangerous, left alone or attacked.

His reputation comes from his other two conjurations, the Red Raindrops, and the Reborn Chimera. Reanimating a certain other Phoenixborn's former ally, this verion is the first of its kind, but it is still considered "kind of a botched abomination."[2]

Card appearances


  • “The past is my schematic for the future.”
  • “Why should we fear what we once defeated?”
  • “Time passes so cruelly, no?”

2: Nick Conley, interview