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Brennen Blackcloud

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Brennen Blackcloud
Card from Children of Blackcloud

The guardian of the city of Blackcloud, Brennen Blackcloud first appeared in Children of Blackcloud, and later appeared as one of the four Phoenixborn in The Corpse of Viros.


Brennen Blackcloud was born a girl, but their grandfather, through manipulations and wanting to follow Blackcloud's old-school tradition, made them live and act as a boy so they could inherit the throne. Brennen's relationship with their grandfather was anything but simple; while he was their only confidant, they also resented the manipulation. They also held some guilt regarding their female identity. Just as they started to think about the throne, how they felt about it, and how they wanted to represent themself, their grandfather, known as the "Never Dying King"[1], passed away and Bennen inherited the kingdom. On top of that, the Collection of Ashes was beginning, creating more conflict in their life.

At 15, they are the last scion of the falling House of Blackcloud, and they aim to restore their family and the city to the terrifying glory of their ancient heritage.


Brennen has only 1 conjuration associated with them: Dread Wraith. Even in the Corpse of Viros, none of the conjurations are tied specifically with them. This lone conjuration is a creation born from the anger and trauma due to the relationship Brennen had with their grandfather.


Brennen's pronouns are a complex issue; on the one hand, we, as readers about the fictional world, know that Brennen was born a girl. However, almost all residents of Argaia believe Brennen to be a young man. More confusion is added if you consider how both of those are tied to past trauma, and both may be appropriate and also inappropriate simultaneously, but neither are wrong. Shortly after the release of The Corpse of Viros, the designer said (in Discord) that Brennen's character story does not have a particular ending in sight, and the original creator of Brennen also did not have one determined. The community's consensus is that any pronouns are acceptable, with most preferring to use "she/her" or "they/them."

Card appearances
  • “Your death will have a purpose.”
  • “Render unto me, all that I desire most.”
  • “Even now I fester within the hearts of your friends.”
  • “And just like that, your efforts are for naught.”
  • “Ideas breed disloyalty and words are their foul seed.”
  • “The Chimera will find we are an eager adversary.”

1: Kept himself alive for hundreds of years with ceremonial dark arts and magic.