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Rimea Careworn

Rimea Careworn
Art from The Ghost Guardian

Sitting upon the throne of Shadowreck, Rimea has all but abandoned this world for another she has seen. She appears in The Ghost Guardian, and she defends her home in The Spawn of Shadowreck.


Rimea Careworn has glimpsed the spirit world, and with it the knowledge of a realm beyond our own, the "Beyond." She calls upon the power of her ancestors and leads their spectral forces into battle to avenge Shadowreck.

Relying on sight beyond sight, Rimea influences the battlefield and imbues her allies with the knowledge needed to dispatch their enemies with ease. When all else fails, Rimea's powerful conjurations can summon an army of Ancestral Spirits to turn the tide of battle.


Rimea's conjurations are all ghosts. The Ancestor Spirit footsoldiers, and the trio of horsemen: the Pale Steed Mount, the Spectral Charger, and the fearsome Nightmare Mount.

In the Spawn of Shadowreck, Rimea reveals her newest creation: the Whisperer.

Card appearances


  • “I see the world hanging heavy about your neck.”
  • “Each of them is an over-seeing eye, with blades for lashes.”
  • “The past is a needle. Experience is a leaking wound.”
  • “Nothing ever ends.”

Short story

Taya tried not to giggle as she filled her sack with the precious treasures that decorated the massive chamber. She turned her eyes to the Phoenixborn who sat on the throne, staring into nothing, drool gathering on her collar. The tip Taya had purchased had been worth every coin. It was true: Rimea Careworn’s mind had long since left this world behind. Now Taya quietly slid countless treasures into her bag, and considered that if she hurried, she would still be able to take the next ship out of Shadowreck before anyone discovered what had happened. But as she lifted a silver statuette from a squat serving table, she felt it grow cold, and a slight rime grew over its surface. She dropped it, then suddenly realized she could see her own breath. Turning, Taya saw she was not alone. The chamber was filled with the dead, all of them armed, and there, among their number, Taya saw herself.

“Your death has been ordained by powers you cannot comprehend,” said the Phoenixborn from her seat, her gaze still vacant. “So much so that your soul already dwells with the dead.”

Taya screamed.

Official texts

In the highest spires of Shadowreck, sits Rimea Careworn. She sits silent and still, her eyes empty, and her subjects claim she gathers her holy powers for the conflict ahead. But Rimea cares little for the hollow war her siblings fight. Her spirit wanders through the Beyond as her interest in this world fades.
-Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn's The Ghost Guardian packaging