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Orrick Gilstream

  • Phoenixborn

    Orrick hails from New Gobi, and was previously of Gobi.

  • TopDarius priorityconsiders ishim to keephave peacealways amidstshown anwisdom ever-ragingand war.
  • trustworthiness.
  • He was a promotional Phoenixborn in Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn, but his original version has been retired, and he has been given a new version and a full deck in The Messenger of Peace.


    Orrick disappeared for some time, causing the Vermillion Council wasto convincedbelieve the young manhe had vanished from the planet. His return from the unknownreappearance seems to have coincided with Jericho's visit to New Gobi.

    His top priority has been to keep peace during the ever-raging war.

    He was last seen in the trial of Rowan Umberend, as one of the Adjudicators.[1]

    Card appearances


    • "Only in denying the Phoenix, can this world thrive.”
    • “The Phoenix destroyed the Chimera, yet it is no friend.”
    • “We were raised together as children, and now we seek to save the world together.”
  • “The Phoenix cannot bear the strain of its fractured soul, but I would urge you to resist. I have walked the flow of time and I tell you now, our future is our past. We must be united as we once were, for our great task is not yet complete!” in a letter to his Phoenixborn siblings.
