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Orrick Gilstream

  • Phoenixborn of Gobi, Phoenixborn of New Gobi.
  • Top priority is to keep peace amidst an ever-raging war.
  • The Vermillion Council was convinced the young man had vanished from the planet. His return from the unknown seems to have coincided with Jericho’s visit to New Gobi.
  • Orrick Gilstream has always shown wisdom and trustworthiness (per Darius)Darius).
  • Quotes:
    • "Only in denying the Phoenix,Phoenix, can this world thrive.”
    • “The Phoenix destroyed the Chimera,Chimera, yet it is no friend.”
    • “We were raised together as children, and now we seek to save the world together.”
  • “The Phoenix cannot bear the strain of its fractured soul, but I would urge you to resist. I have walked the flow of time and I tell you now, our future is our past. We must be united as we once were, for our great task is not yet complete!” in a letter to his Phoenixborn siblings.