Maeoni Viper

The Queen in Silver and Gold, Maeoni Viper is around 134 years old. She first appears in the Master Set's The Snakes in Silver, and has journeyed to Neverset to fight in The Blight of Neverset.
Maeoni was born in Silverwood. Her childhood was modest but happy, as she helped her mother sell jewelry of twisted silver on the streets of the Goldleaf district. Most importantly, she grew up safe.
Then, everything changed when the Chimera breached the Outer Walls. Maeoni spent many years fending off the chaos of blood and fire, surviving. When the chimera reached the Inner Wall, she answered the cries of her fellow citizens, leading Silverwood’s charge in the Great Cleansing.
When the great war ended, Silverwood made her their queen. She is known for reigning over her citizens wisely, giving them many peaceful years. Now with the prophecy birthing the Collection of Ashes, she waits in her beloved home, loathing the fighting that will come. Yet ready to again do what she must.
Felix Galeforce is one such Phoenixborn who attempted to claim her powers, but failed. While Maeoni is known to have been the first Phoenixborn to have killed another Phoenixborn during the Collection, it is not known if Felix was that Phoenixborn.
Also, at some point after the Collection had started, but before the new Red Rains, she and Rin Northfell shared a lunch date at her palace, but he fled that night, before either of them could be consumed by the desire to kill one another.
Following the arrival of the new Red Rains, Maeoni was one of several Phoenixborn to be an Adjudicator in Rowan Umberend's trial[1].
She has most recently set off to Neverset, to fight the Blight that has appeared there, and in doing so, has reunited with Rin.
Maeoni's two conjurations are the Silver Snake, and the guardian Gilder.Card appearances
- Empower
- Open Memories
- Golden Veil
- Embrace
- Venom Strike
- Proliferate (Blight of Neverset Bloom aspect)
- Sowing Strike (Blight of Neverset Bloom aspect)
- “I defend this world and the next.”
- “The children of the new world rally to me.” + “They safeguard a power beyond any of us.”
- “No.”
- “If gold is what you desire…”
- “I have spent a lifetime preparing for this moment.”
- “I shall slay you in this world so you do not find purchase in the next.”
- “Can we delay the inevitable for but a moment longer?”
Short story
Dust clouds swirled through the damaged plaza in howling gusts, but Maeoni hung over nothingness, her clothes and hair as still as the air in a sealed room.
“Felix!” she cried, her voice deep and terrible. “My war ended forty years ago. Begone from my sight! Begone from my city! And only then might you survive this.” Her opponent staggered backward in terror, but the young Phoenixborn's eyes were defiant. He gesticulated wildly, and brought forth another colossus.
“Kill her!” Felix screamed. “Smash her! Wipe her from the face of this world!” Maeoni merely waved an arm. There was a great cracking noise, the smell of ozone, and the colossus exploded into fiery chunks.
“Wipe me from the face of this world?” she yelled in rage. “I who have existed in this world and the next? So be it, Galeforce.”
From out of the smoking depths of the plaza arose her silver snakes. Only now Felix saw that they had grown, made monstrous by the power of their mistress.
And he gave one last scream[2].
2: Isaac said Maeoni is the first Phoenixborn to kill another one. This might be it.References