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Koji Wolfcub

  • Phoenixborn of the Spiral Jungle.
  • Wild is the son of the Spiral Jungle. Untrained, undisciplined, and ill-prepared for the trials that await him. Nevertheless, Koji Wolfcub walks boldly forward. His every step splits the earth beneath his feet. Out of the fissures grow the jungle’s verdant flora. Groping vines tear down the gaudy edifices of man. Wild animals heed the boy’s call. The jungle rises up and joins the boy in his fight to restore the world.
  • Quotes:
    • “I don’t want your world, but the jungle is mine!”
    • “See, Elder, I brought your story to life.”
    • “I am never going to let them win.”
    • “If you see someone we don’t like, eat them.”
    • “We’re in a fight, you lazy bear! Get up!”