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Inhabitants of Argaia

This list contains names of non-Phoenixborn inhabitants of Argaia. Those details were read or heard throughout articles and interviews.


  • Father of Aradel Summergaard. Had deep blue eyes. Had a great relationship with his daughter.
  • Very influential to her growing up since her mother passed away shortly after her birth following a mix of health issues and a complicated birth. Was a big part of Aradel becoming the Phoenixborn that she is and of great help to her in the Great Cleansing.
  • He was someone who was very, very well respected in the Evermist Valley. He was seen as a leader, someone people would look for advice.
  • During the Great Cleansing, the Valley was under attack. The Phoenixborn present were all being taken piece by piece. Being along Aradel’s side, he jumped in front of a poison needle that was meant for her. He passed away, saving her.


  • Phoenixborn and prophet.
  • Prophecy: “When the last Phoenixborn emerges screaming from the womb, a lust for war shall enter the hearts of all their siblings. For those saviors who delivered humanity from the Chimera are but pieces of a whole, and the whole shall demand assemblage. Not breeding, not morality, nor purity of spirit shall deliver the children of the Phoenix from madness and bloodshed. They shall rage against each other, consume one another, and their hunger will not be assuaged until but a single remaining survivor arises as a true Phoenix, and mounting the throne of God, rules over this world, the next, and all the realms that lie in-between.”
  • “The danger of the Phoenix lies not in the threat of war. Someone always survives, no matter how terrible the ravages of a war. No, the danger posed by the Phoenix is the threat against reality itself, for it drives us not just into conflict, but to sculpt and reshape all that we see around us. When the Collection of Ashes concludes, will humans even recognize the world they are left with?”


  • Name given to members of Vermillion Council’s army. Fearless warriors. Some fights alongside the Phoenixborn during the Great Cleansing.
  • The Council ceased training and disbanded them a few years after the Great Cleansing, which was decades ago.

Ancestor Ari

Astor Redmoon[1]

  • Phoenixborn of Viros, older sister of Noah Redmoon.
  • With brother Moses, they were well respected, very good and some of the most powerful Phoenixborn that had never been seen before.
  • Was killed in a strange situation. An incredibly powerful Chimera was tasked specifically to take down the three siblings. But during the fight, a second one showed up and forced the Redmoon into splitting up. The end result was that both Astor and Moses were killed, but not Noah. And then, the Chimera just left, to never be seen again.


  • Human, former Amurai, well-respected individual.
  • Was expelled by the Vermillion Council and named the Terminal Amurai (i.e. the last amurai).
  • Friend with Michael Glassfire.

Elga Trilling

  • Human, old woman born in Goldwater, founder and former editor of The Weekly Highriver. Has amassed a small fortune in her morning years.
  • Foreigner inhabitant of Gorrenrock.
  • Made a successful career out of being a political weathervane.
  • Ask to meet with Lulu Firststone but the request was denied.
  • Made a deal with “a low man”, and “the firm”, to bring revenge on Rowan Umberend’s head for what he has done.


Felix Galeforce

  • Young Phoenixborn, face up against Maeoni Viper in Silverwood plaza. Was killed by Maeoni’s silver snakes.

Final Pythia

  • Mystic from Delphi.
  • Has been issuing cryptic statements regarding Jericho Whitepetal, the usually isolated Phoenixborn of Abylon.
  • “In my dream I saw a great war; one long-fought over many years, and in the end there was but a single victor. A true Phoenix, she was like a second sun, and I wept at the sight of her. But the dream ended, as all are wont to do. What portent was revealed by this nocturnal whimsy? I feel that something has happened, as if the world itself was changed but no one was ever informed. My world is identical to the world of my dream, save for one detail. The victor. Why is she and she alone unique between these worlds? What has she done?”
  • The Pythia’s words are frustratingly vague as if she fears Jericho but more greatly fears the rest of the world understanding why.
  • “The vision unfolded before me and I saw two great fiery birds arise from the depths. One smoldered as it burst from the ocean and as it spread its wings, it carried upon its train a host of lifeforms never before seen by human eyes. The other arose from cracked recesses within the ground, its cries speaking the language of ruin, and upon its head was stamped the name of Blasphemy. I cannot explain why, yet I am certain this was my final revelation. Whatever is yet to come, I do not think I shall survive it.”

Flock Shepherd

  • Flock Shepherds have a storied past as citizens of Gobi. Once the great Gobi Sunshield warriors, they have since retired their armor to take up the homesteading practices needed to reestablish their recently-nomadic community of New Gobi.

Gerald Bywater

  • Human, captain of the famous ship, Crusty Heel.

Lady Mennan

Last Dragon


Lord Mayor

Michael Glassfire

  • Captain of the Iron Couriers.
  • Friend with Darius.

Moses Redmoon[1]

  • Phoenixborn of Viros, Older brother of Noah Redmoon.
  • With sister Astor, they were well respected, very good and some of the most powerful Phoenixborn that had never been seen before.
  • Was killed in a strange situation. An incredibly powerful Chimera was tasked specifically to take down the three siblings. But during the fight, a second one showed up and forced the Redmoon into splitting up. The end result was that both Astor and Moses were killed, but not Noah. And then, the Chimera just left, to never be seen again.

Pirate King

  • Slavers that ruled/plagued the city of Abylon. Were all stalked and killed by Jericho Kill.

Sergeant Crystalmere


  • Human thief. Was killed by Rimea Careworn while trying to rob her massive chamber.

1: For now, since they are siblings, last name is assumed to be the same as Noah's.