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Coal Roarkwin

  • Phoenixborn of Rustwatch, The Lord of Iron, 514 years old, born during the second century of the Sealed Age.
  • His earliest memories were of roaming the streets with other parentless children, swinging sticks as though they were swords in the hands of the world’s greatest heroes. The danger of regular Chimera attacks made him grow up quickly and by his thirteenth year, he found a job on the famous Captain Gerald Bywater’s ship, the Crusty Heel. Five years flew by on the deck of the old ship, filled with ocean-dwelling chimera, fallen comrades, and promotions as his power, not fully understood, grew.
    Before long, his skills caught the attention of the Vermillion Council. They recruited him to join the ranks of the fearless Amurai, training him. He excelled at formal training, learning discipline, surpassing his strength, and discovering that he was more than just a man.
    He was a Phoenixborn.
    He relished his duty as an Amurai and it took him to the darkened corners of the world where the Chimera were deadliest. This eventually brought him to the shores of Rustwatch, where, in the midst of all the fighting, he found Lyn. Their love for each other blossomed more fiercely than any fighting he had ever experienced, and he quit the Amurai, dedicating himself to her. Decades passed, old age seizing Lyn like it never could a Phoenixborn. It was in her last breath that she whispered to him, “Save them.”
    Coal joined the Great Cleansing, destroying leagues of Chimera as his heart ached. Rustwatch came to peace shortly after and there he stayed, enjoying the calm, until the Collection of Ashes called him back to fight.
  • Quotes
  • “Let death find the liars that called me brother.”
  • “You’re out of your depth.”
  • “I cleansed an ocean of beasts once. Like this!”
  • “They pummeled the chimera. Now they’ll pummel you.”
  • “Here’s a little trick i learned.”
  • “Now give ‘em hell!”
  • “The Rains bring a second chance at vengeance”
  • Can you feel it? That’s the thunder of a stampede. It’s the ringing of smiths' hammers. It’s the rhythm of the crew on a galley working as one. Do you feel the power of unified purpose rattling in your chest, swelling to a crescendo of unstoppable force? Become caught up in it, unable to stop the momentum! At its head, Coal Roarkwin. These are the men and women worthy of being called The Iron Men!
  • Coal's Guide to Inspiring Loyalty
  • Lesson 1: Make sure your units’ sacrifices are not in vain. Never forget them, and avenge the fallen!
  • Lesson 2: Give your units the strength they need to carry out the tasks you give them.
  • Lesson 3: Your units are an extension of yourself. Protect them, and they will serve you well.
  • Lesson 4: Give your units shiny armor. Make sure it has spiky bits… because who doesn’t love spiky bits!

Short story

Coal laid the boy's body on the cold cobblestones, and, drawing his hand down the child's face, closed his eyes. An explosion shook the streets as a flaming arrow flew through the window of a bakery, its fire igniting the flour particles that hung heavy in the air. Coal stood, his face dour, as all around him weapons clashed, people screamed, and buildings burned.

This is Rustwatch. This was my love's home.

The anger inside him boiled over and he bellowed in rage. As if in response, a Rayward knight appeared, and spotting Coal, spurred his horse forward. Coal gave a cry, spittle flying from his lips, and he drew a cutlass that he threw at his foe. His magic launched the blade forward at a blinding speed, and it slammed into the mounted rider. A gurgling sound came from the knight's helmet as the blade punched through his steel plate, and he flew backward to the ground.

I have killed before. But those were monsters. Those were chimera.

Two more assailants came at him on foot, but Coal spun away and lashed out with two more of his blades. One fell to the ground dead. The other fell screaming, hands futilely clutching at the stump of a leg. Coal granted the soldier mercy and the screaming stopped.

Another dead boy. All of this for the mad desires of one person.

And suddenly she was there. Her armor was immaculately clean and she wore a smirk upon her face. “Hello, Coal.”

“Dimona,” he spat. He raised his arms, and the multitude of blades he wore upon his jerkin whipped free, beginning to spin around him. “All of this pointless death!”

“And yet there is only one death I actually require,” she said. “Yours."