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Rule Clarifications

Abilities and Text

  • Any text in a card’s text box that has the format of “X = ...” is not considered an ability. Only bold named text on a unit is considered an ability, such as Unit Guard.
  • Abilities and other effect text still exist on cards that are exhausted; however that text is not active and cannot be used by that card. If a card would copy the printed abilities of a card that is exhausted, it may indeed copy those abilities.
  • When paying an exhaust cost to activate a spell or ability, fully resolve the activated effects even though the exhausted card no longer has ability or effect text.
  • Inexhaustible text that is granted to another card is also considered to be inexhaustible on that card.


  • If

    an attacker leaves battle before resolving its attack (either through becoming exhausted, leaving play, or another effect), any blocker or guard does not counter and a Phoenixborn declared as a guard would not use its guard for the round (do not rotate it 90°).
  • If a blocker or guard leaves play before its battle is resolved, the attacker will resolve a battle with the original target of its attack.
  • If an unguarded unit that is the target of an attack leaves play before that battle is resolved, the battle ends without dealing damage, but the attacker is still exhausted.
  • Attackers are declared in a single step and blockers or guards are declared in a (separate) single step. After all attacker or blocker/guard choices have been made, effects that trigger when units are declared as an attacker/blocker/guard are resolved in the order of Simultaneous Effects (p. 17).

Card Information

  • If an effect has a player search their draw (or other) pile for a specified card, that player is not required to select a card, even if there is an eligible card remaining in that pile. If an effect has a player search their discard pile or any other area whose contents are public information, the cards must be revealed when selected.
    • e.g. searching your discard pile for an ally and placing it into your hand.
  • Face down cards that were public knowledge before being placed face down underneath another card in play may be examined by any player by request.
    • e.g. cards placed underneath Mount conjurations or Canyon Shelter.
  • If a card in play indicates the ability to place a conjuration into play, any player may request to see a copy of the named conjuration from the owner’s conjuration pile for reference.


  • Dice that are placed onto cards, such as with the charm and divine dice powers, are returned to their owner’s exhausted pool when the card they are on is discarded or otherwise removed from play. Dice that are placed onto cards are not considered to be in any player’s active or exhausted pool.
  • When selecting a number of dice for an effect, choose as many as you can up to the indicated amount.
  • You may take a Meditate side action with no dice in your active pool.

Timing Outside of Player Turns

  • Reaction spells or cards with a blue reaction box cannot be played outside of the player turns phase (e.g. Final Cry). Effects that can only trigger during a turn, or once per turn, also cannot be played outside of a player’s turn (e.g. Jessa Na Ni’s Screams of the Departed ability). Effects without these limits still may be triggered and resolved outside of the player turns phase (e.g. Chant of Revenge gaining a status token.)
  • Effects that resolve outside of the player turns phase, such as end of round effects, resolve one player at a time, starting with the first player. In a 2p game of Red Rains, the players should resolve these effects one after another. These effects resolve one at a time, in the order of the player’s choice, until no more of these effects are left unresolved.
  • If a new effect becomes active during the resolution of these effects, it is resolved, only if the player who controls that effect is still in the process of or has yet to resolve their effects.


  • If a unit would ever come into play onto a full battlefield, it is discarded instead. 
  • If a unit leaves play and then is placed back into play, it comes into play without any tokens on it, alteration spells attached to it, and it is not attacking, blocking or guarding. If it left and returned to play within the same turn without being placed in a discard pile, conjuration pile or hand, it is considered to be the same unit and is still subject to any other effects that had applied to it (see ‘Hope Everthorn’).
  • You may not take main or side actions during another player’s turn, even if a card effect states you may take additional actions this turn.
  • A card effect cannot place a conjuration into play that has been destroyed but not yet discarded unless it refers to that specific copy (e.g. via “this unit” or “that card”)