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Super Auto Chimera

Created by community member and Red Rains playtester Lark, Super Auto Chimera is a Red Rains variant in which the Chimera battle each other! (Text version follows the images.)



In Super Auto Chimera, you are a rogue member of the Vermillion Council with a secret agenda--training and battling the lovable Argaian creatures known as Chimera!

Send your Chimera into the automated battles against other Chimera, and become stronger as you defeat, befriend, and learn from your opponents. Each Chimera has unique abilities to offer, so choose wisely as you train your perfect pet Chimera!


  1. Choose an aspect deck (Fury, Shadow, etc.) and its corresponding Chimera, behavior, and ultimate cards to be your personal pet Chimera.
  2. Choose another aspect deck and its corresponding Chimera, behavior, and ultimate cards to be your first opposing Chimera (if you don't have a second set of the necessary Chimera, behavior, and ultimate cards, it's okay to proxy).
  3. Set up both Chimera opposing each other at Heroic Level 1 difficulty.

    In Super Auto Chimera, you get to choose your pet Chimera's 'First Five'. Instead of placing randomize aspects like you would in standard Red Rains, choose a set of 5 aspects from your draw pile that match the Blood values shown in your pet Chimera's starting setup, and place them face down onto your Chimera's battlefield in a matching order of your choice.
  4. Place the first player token on your side of the play area and begin the game, starting with your pet Chimera's turn.


Follow the standard Red Rains rules, automating both your pet Chimera and the opposing Chimera as they battle each other. If an effect would require either Chimera to make a choice between multiple options, you choose which option that Chimera selects.

After your pet Chimera replenishes aspects during the recovery phase, you may look at the face down aspects on your pet Chimera's battlefield and rearrange them in the order of your choice.


After you defeat an opposing Chimera, it becomes your friend and can teach your pet Chimera new abilities! Choose up to 6 aspects in your pet Chimera's draw pile and replace them with aspects of the same blood value from the defeated Chimera's deck.

For your next encounter, challenge a Chimera one level higher, while keeping your Chimera at Heroic Level 1. Only a true friend of the Chimera, like your old study buddy Rowan Umberend, can defeat a Level 3 Chimera and achieve a campaign victory!