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  • If you need to leave a game before it's over, for any reason, inform you opponent before conceding.
  • If you feel the game state is such that your loss is inevitable but it will take several more turns, it is acceptable to concede but not necessary.
  • If no new information or decision point was made, such as cards (eg reactions) played or discarded (eg meditated) it is generally in bad spirit to not allow a take back.

  • If minor things happened, feel free to ask your opponent but they may say no.

  • If major things happened, it would be in bad spirit to ask.

Chains in Casual Play
  • The general assumption by the Discord community for online play (Ashteki) is that the chain rules are in effect for every constructed game.
    • If you wish to play without the chain rules this should be made explicit before the start of the game, and before decks have been chosen. Either include it in the game title or mention it to players who join.
  • Preconstructed games do not play with chains due to the imbalanced nature and restrictions of the decks.