**Keep in alphabetical order
These are abbreviations/short forms of terms or card names in Ashes that are commonly used across Discord and Ashteki
BF = battlefield
Bmonk = butterfly monk
CG = chaos gravity
Crypt Guy = crypt guardian
CtA = call to action
CutR = call upon the realms
DD = double down
EE = Era's End
EQ = Earthquake
EV = enchanted violinist
ExGro = explosive growth
FBB = frost back bear
FC = final cryp
FD = false demon
GK = grave knight
gryphon = cloudburst gryphon
GTO = gates thrown open
GV = golden veil
HK = hammer knight
HM = hunt master
LB = light bringer
LoF = law of fear
MaG = massive growth
MG = molten gold
MV = master vamp
PB = phoenixborn
PS = particle shield
RA = root armor
RFD = rose fire dancer
RtS = return to soil
RW = realm walker
SB = spell board (or shufflebus)
sonic = sonic sworsdman
SP = sympathy pain
SS = shadow spirit
TEO = three eyed owl
VP = void pulse
WW = wishing wing