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A tournament based onusing the Coal-Off game mode in Ashteki.

The Coal-Off isformat was born of the idea that a formatplayer can win with Coal using a deck of thirty random cards. Coal’s Slash ability makes every card in whichhis eachdeck playerplayable. playsAlso, Coal is simply the best of all the Phoenixborn Coal,(citation andneeded).


The givenCoal-Off amode randomin assortmentAshteki ofdeals 29both cardsplayers + 1 guaranteedone copy of One Hundred Blades.Blades and 29 other random cards. Dice pools are roughlygenerated allocated based offwith the play costs of those cards assigned,in mind, but it is very possible (and likely)rare that a player will be able to play all the cards they are dealt. Except that they can play all the cards they are dealt because Slash. (Is the concept starting to make sense now?)

To date, there have been two official Slashfest tournament events played over Askteki. The inaugural Slashfest in June, 2023 and Holiday Slashfest in December, 2023, were both won by Brian_B, making him the undefeated, undisputed Slashfest Champion of the world.

While a givenCoal-Off  player'sis decklargely cannotluck-based, befans played.of the format enjoy the challenge of piecing together a winning strategy from a random pile of cards. Many players also enjoy discovering cards that never see play and later finding homes for them in “real” decks. Still others just really love Coal.